Scheduled Inventory
Nest 54 boiled yesterday so we will be inventorying it on Thursday. Sept. 8th at 8:30 AM. It is located just south of boardwalk 1.
Inventory Report
Nests 47 & 51 were inventoried on Monday, September 5th.
Nest # 47 was found by Catherine Scully, Sara Klauber,and Jackie DePalma with Bill Greubel finding the eggs. The 93 eggs hatched in 56 days
Shells 69
Unhatched eggs 23
Dead hatchlings 1
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 68
Hatch success 74.1%
Emergence success 73.1%
Nest # 51 was found by Richard Glasgow, Jim & Jo Eisenhauer and Judy Morr with Terry Fansler and Tim Morawski finding the eggs. The 130 eggs hatched in 51 days
Shells 100
Unhatched eggs 30
Dead hatchlings 2
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 98
Hatch success 75.7%
Emergence success 74.2%