Nests 50 & 52 were inventoried on Saturday, September 3rd and we had one of the largest crowds of the season! Fortunately, there was a live hatchling in nest #50 to entertain and inspire the onlookers.
Nest #50 was found by Linda Nelson & Judy Morr found the eggs. The 109 eggs hatched in 50 days.
Shells 104
Unhatched eggs 5
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 1
Total live 104
Hatch success 94.5%
Emergence success 93.6%
Nest #52 was found by Anne Snelgrove and Kathy Chamberlain with Bill Greubel finding the 105 eggs which hatched in 47 days
Shells 86
Unhatched eggs 18
Dead hatchlings 2
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 84
Hatch success 81.9%
Emergence success 80%