Walkers Kathy Rigtrup, Kathy Maher & Lisa Hillman Found the crawl and Probers Sandy MacCoss, Terry Fansler & Beautsie Zahrn responded. Sandy found Nest #57 and Terry found the eggs. As always Beautsie provided leadership and wisdom. The Kathys moved the eggs to a safe location away from the high tides.
Here are the results from today's Inventories -
Nest #8 was found by Tory Kindley, Pat & Bob Derajtys & Sandy MacCoss. It hatched in 54 days. There were 111 eggs.
Shells 108 Hatch success 96.4 %
Unhatched eggs 3 Emergence success 91%
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 6
Total live 108
Nest # 4 was found by Lori Porwoll, Ruby Jenkins, Sal Vastrini and Lynda Zeger. It hatched in 57 days. There were 110 eggs and 7 spacers
Shells 96 Hatch success 86.6%
Unhatched eggs 14 Emergence success 84.8%
Dead hatchlings 2
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 94
Nest #7 was found by Terry Fansler, Chris Czander & Gloria Reynolds. It hatched in 55 days . There were 104 eggs.
Shells 87 Hatch success 82,8%
Unhatched eggs 17 Emergence success 80%
Dead hatchlings 2
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 85