June began with more busy fun on the beach this morning with 3 crawls leading to Nests 15, 16 and 17.
The first call came in before 6AM from a beach goer, Barbara Long, out early to enjoy the sunrise. She found turtle tracks, appropriately called and while talking with the dispatcher saw the Zone 3 walkers Bill and Linda Nelson, Tory Kindley, Ginger Seabrook and Patt Tamasy in the distance. When the turtle patrol members arrived they discovered the large mama was still laying her eggs just North of Board Walk 3. Judy Morr and Lesley Gore found 140 eggs for Nest 16 which were relocated to a safer area.
Check out this clip of mama heading back to the water captured by Judy Morr and some awesome pictures captured by Bill Nelson:
Meanwhile another call came in from Vicky and Bob Becker and Marnie Ellis on Zone 2 reporting a crawl just South of Boardwalk 6. Jane Magioncalda and Sandy MacCoss probed to find 133 eggs in Nest 15, which was relocated further back from the original site.
During all of this excitement Zone 4 walkers also called in a crawl past the bird protection area near the Dolphin Watch Box. Mike Vinson probed to find 120 eggs in Nest 17, which Zone 4 walkers Lynda Zegers, Lori Porwoll, Francie Segal, Pam Salvestrini, Ruby Jenkins and Mary Van Deusen helped relocate near Zone 4 sign #1.
Note: the turtle images shown here were taken during authorized conservation activities by licensed individuals. If you encounter a nesting sea turtle on the beach, please keep your distance, attempt to stay out of the turtle’s field of view, and use only red lights at night.