Nests 41 & 42

Sandy MacCoss and Anna Wechter reported a crawl just south of Boardwalk 6.  Mike Vinson responded and found Nest 42 which he was able to leave in situ.  This was a very determined turtle... she dug up and broke up the remnants of an old bonfire. Mike's on a roll, finding 4 nests in 3 days!

In the meantime, Gary Bowers had a busy morning on North Beach.  He first called before 6 AM with a promising crawl 100 yards north of Boardwalk 1. The Middletons responded and found the 115 eggs for Nest 41.  It was moved further back on the dune to a safer location. Gary continued his walk and didn't even call in an obvious false crawl near the trash can. He waited until he had a third crawl around the curve on the spit.  Judy Morr responded to that crawl and unfortunately, it was also a false crawl. 

Nest #41 - 20.jpg
Nest #42 - 20.jpeg