Inventory Results for Nests 17, 19 & 22

Nest 17 was found by Nancy Shenton, Tara Penny and Jackie Brooks on May 24th.. It hatched in 61 days.

Shells 100
Unhatched eggs 6

Dead hatchlings 0

Live hatchlings 0

Hatch % 93.4
Emergence % 93.4

Nest 22 was found by Bob Mason, Veronica L'Allier and Ginger Seabrook on May 27th.. It hatched in 58 days.

Shells 74
Unhatched eggs 43

Dead hatchlings 0

Live hatchlings 0

Hatch % 60.6
Emergence % 60.6

Nest 19 was found by Sandy MacCoss, Alison Bowers, Martha Goldstein & J -Anna Smith on May 24th. This nest never hatched. In checking for sand hardness it was evident that the eggs were bad.

Shells 0
Unhatched eggs 139

Dead hatchlings 0

Live hatchlings 0

Hatch % 0.0
Emergence % 0.0

nest 1 inventory4   7-19.JPG