Nest 18 was found by Nancy Shenton, Tara Penny and Jackie Brooks on May 24th.. It hatched in 59 days.
Shells 40
Unhatched eggs 70
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Hatch % 27.9
Emergence % 27.9
Nest 23 was found by Joleen Ardaiolo, Beverly Stribling, Joel and Nancy Pondelik on May 27th.. It hatched in 55 days.
Shells 125
Unhatched eggs 4
Dead hatchlings 11
Live hatchlings 3
Hatch % 93.2
Emergence % 89.5
Nest 24 was found by Heather Fife, Charlie Faught, Paula Baram & Brad Masteller on May 29th. It hatched in 54 days
Shells 76
Unhatched eggs 21
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 7
Hatch % 77.5
Emergence % 70.4