Inventory Results for Nests 7 & 9

Nest 7 was found by Joe Ficarra, Jane Magioncalda, Laura Logan,Amanda Shilko & John Woychick on May 19th.

Shells 102
Unhatched eggs 11

Dead hatchlings 0

Live hatchlings 12

Hatch % 88.6
Emergence % 78.2

Nest 9 was found by Joleen Ardaiolo, Bev Stribling, Nancy and Joel Pondelik on May 20th.

Shells 67
Unhatched eggs 15

Dead hatchlings 2

Live hatchlings 2

Hatch % 80.7
Emergence % 75.9

Nest 11 was also scheduled but when the nest was opened it was clear that it had not fully boiled so it was closed back up to allow nature to take its course.
