Nests 29 & 30

We have nests 29 & 30! One more and we'll equal all of last year.

Just past dawn this morning Walkers Ruby Jenkins, Lori Porwoll, Pam Salvestrini, Francie Segal and Mary Van Duesen reported a crawl about 50 yards north of the 1st dog sign . Judy Morr and Jim Lawrence responded and found nest 29. The nest, with122 eggs, was relocated about 20 yards north to higher ground.

Bill and Linda Nelson, Tory Kindley and her friend Cindy Zock found a crawl at Boardwalk 3 and discovered 106 eggs among the trees and an ant hill for nest 30.  4 eggs were lost in the extraction from a significant ant infestation and the other 102 were moved about 40 yards south to give them an ant free start.

nest #30 - 19.JPG
nest #29 - 19.jpg