Nests 60 - 63

Supplement to Wednesday, June 19th Report

Sandy MacCoss & Jane Magioncalda went back to the beach Wednesday afternoon to probe further on the crawl found 100 yards south of the cross on zone 1. They found nest 60! They relocated the nest to a safer location.

Thursday Report

Another busy morning on the beach. We now have 63 nests! This puts us almost a month ahead of our pace in 2015 when we had our all time record 75 nests.
Walkers Lucy and Ray Hoover and Chris Palmer called first with a crawl 20 yards past the vehicle entrance. The Middletons responded and found Nest 61. With the help of the Walkers, the 111 eggs were moved directly behind the original nest, higher on the dune. The Walkers continued in their walk and found another crawl 300 yards past the old pier. Judy Morr responded and found Nest 62. Again, the experienced Walkers moved 107 eggs to behind the old pier.
Walkers Carol Ann Hoffman, Jim Lawrence and Patty, Kevin, Angela and Brandon Foltz then called with a crawl all the way to the end on the Kiawah River side of the beach. After 2 years of walking, the Foltz’s got their first nest when Tim found Nest 63!. The 89 eggs were moved to their new home 50 yards south of the first dog sign with the help of the happy Walkers.

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