We had a very unique inventory last evening. The inventory of nest 13 began with breaking through a very hard sand crust created by the recent rains. Once the crust was broken the hatchlings also broke loose as the nest immediately reached a full boil. As it turns out, the reported hatching from 3 days earlier were just the first few that made it out before the rest were trapped by the hard sand. In total, 86 very lively hatchlings made their way to the ocean to the delight of the onlookers who made the long trek to the far end of the beach.
Here are the results of the inventory.
Inventory Results - Nest 13
Nest 13 was found by Beverly Stribling & Joleen Ardaiolo. It hatched in 51 days.
Shells 95
Unhatched eggs 10
Dead hatchlings 1
Live hatchlings 86
Total live 94
Hatch success 87.9 %
Emergence success 7.4%