Nests 29 & 30!

Kim Neath called in first with a crawl about 100 yards north of Boardwalk 1.  Bill and Linda Nelson responded and found nest number 29 with 60 eggs.  The nest was close to the water and therefore was moved about 100 yards up the beach to a safer location.  Kim, Linda and Gary Holtz handled the nest move.

Catherine Scully, Rob Jerome, Mike Vinson and Gary Holtz then called with a crawl 200 yards south of Boardwalk 2, into the myrtles. After probing and re-probing all of the likely spots including several excavations, Bill finally located nest 30 with 92 eggs. The nest was relocated to about 15 yards south of Boardwalk 1.  Rob Jerome and Gary Holtz handled the relocation of the eggs and buttoned up the new nest site.

Nest #29-18.JPG
Nest #30-18.JPG