Veronica L'Allier and Bob Mason were the first callers with a crawl in front of the yellow house several houses past the club. Before the Nelsons could respond they called again with a crawl in front of the 4th house past the club. Bill Nelson found Nest 15 at the fourth house crawl and moved the 105 eggs back to a safer location with the assistance of walker Joleen Ardaiolo. The crawl by the yellow house took longer even though the mother dug an 8 inch hole, she didn't deposit any eggs. It was declared a false crawl.
Rob Jerome, Mike Vinson, Gary Holtz, Catherine Scully, Lisa Devon and Rob's brother-in-law Alan Rich called with a crawl in to the myrtles between Boardwalk 2 and 3. Bill Greubel responded and found Nest 16 which was left in situ.