Nest #53 was found by Deb Wiehn, Dave Roberts & Norm PowersThe nest had 86 eggs. There was water damage from the rains to the remaining eggs.
Shells 40
Unhatched eggs 39
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 40
Hatch success 45.9%
Emergence success 45.9%
Nest #61 was found by Vicky & Bob Becker, Jane Magioncalda & Joe Ficarra. The nest had 89 eggs and hatched in days.
Shells 69
Unhatched eggs 17
Dead hatchlings 5
Live hatchlings 4
Total live 64
Hatch success 76.6%
Emergence success 66.6%
Nest #62 was found by Jo & Jim Eisenhauer, Judy Morr & Richard Glasgow The nest had 135 eggs and hatched in days.
Shells 110
Unhatched eggs 24
Dead hatchlings 5
Live hatchlings 8
Total live 105
Hatch success 80.8%
Emergence success 71.3%