Nest #24 was found by Chris, Betsy and Sarah Quinn. The nest had 36 eggs. It hatched in 61 days.
Shells 1
Unhatched eggs 35
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 1
Hatch success 2.7%
Emergence success 2.7%
Nest #31 was found by Pat Greubel & Arline DeGennaro.. The nest had 128 eggs.
Shells 121
Unhatched eggs 7
Dead hatchlings 6
Live hatchlings 1
Total live 115
Hatch success 93.7%
Emergence success 88.3%
Nest #32 was found by Lisa Hand & Valerie & Mark Doane. The nest had 131 eggs and it hatched in 53 days. It was predated by raccoons.
Shells 18
Unhatched eggs 5
Dead hatchlings 1
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 17
Hatch success 13.7%
Emergence success 12.9%
Nest #36 was found by Jim & Jo Eisenhauer & Isabel Romero. The nest had 131 eggs and it hatched in 50 days.On 8/1 it was reported that there were 23 dead hatchlings on the nest..
Shells 65
Unhatched eggs 1
Dead hatchlings 3
Live hatchlings 25
Total live 62
Hatch success 53.7%
Emergence success 40.5%