Nests 42 and 51 were inventoried on 8/21. The nests were being evaluated for hard sand and reports of dead hatchlings when it became clear that the nests had hatched. Nest 48 was inventoried today. Nest 55 was scheduled to inventoried today but when the nest was opened it became clear that it wasin the process of hatching so the nest was closed back up and will be inventoried on Friday..
Nest #42 was found by Norm Powers. The nest had 126 eggs. The discrepancy between eggs relocated and eggs found in the nest was due to crab predation.
Shells 64
Unhatched eggs 31
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 64
Hatch success 50.3%
Emergence success 50.3%
Nest #51 was found by Jo & Jim Eisenhauer, Richard Glasgow & Judy Morr.. The nest had 98 eggs and hatched in 50 days.
Shells 89
Unhatched eggs 7
Dead hatchlings 8
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 81
Hatch success 89.8%
Emergence success 81.8%
Nest #48 was found by Pam Salvestrini, Ruby Jenkins & Mary VanDuesen.. The nest had 93 eggs and hatched in 53 days.
Shells 86
Unhatched eggs 7
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 86
Hatch success 91.4%
Emergence success 91.4%