Nest #39 was found by C Scully, S Thomas, G Holtz, R Jerome, & D Geller. The nest had 60 eggs.
Shells 21
Unhatched eggs 39
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 21
Hatch success 34.4%
Emergence success 34.4%
Nest #47 was found by Pam Salvestrini, Ruby Jenkins & Mary VanDuesen.. The nest had 121 eggs and hatched in 49 days.
Shells 103
Unhatched eggs 18
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 7
Total live 103
Hatch success 84.4%
Emergence success 78.6%
Nest #69 was found by Nancy Shenton. Pat Backstrom & Judy Morr The nest had 141 eggs..
Shells 135
Unhatched eggs 6
Dead hatchlings 1
Live hatchlings 2
Total live 134
Hatch success 95.7%
Emergence success 93.6%