We will inventory nest 47 tomorrow at 8:30 AM. It is located 200 yards north of boardwalk 1.
Nest #41 was found by Anne Snelgrove, Melanie Jerome & Gayle Evans. The nest had 123 eggs. It hatched in 53 days.
Shells 114
Unhatched eggs 9
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 114
Hatch success 91.9%
Emergence success 91.9%
Nest #43 was found by Melanie Jerome, Ruth Ann Henderer & Kathy Francis.. The nest had 117 eggs but only 94 were in the nest due to crab predation. It hatched in 52 days.
Shells 41
Unhatched eggs 53
Dead hatchlings 7
Live hatchlings 4
Total live 34
Hatch success 31.5%
Emergence success 23.0%
Nest #46 was found by Pam Salvestrini, Ruby Jenkins & Mary VanDuesen The nest had 89 eggs and it hatched in 48 days.
Shells 51
Unhatched eggs 38
Dead hatchlings 4
Live hatchlings 1
Total live 47
Hatch success 56.6%
Emergence success 51.1%