Turtle Patrol Educates Charleston Animal Society Scholars

On Tuesday, July 25th Turtle Patrol members Joshua and Amanda Shilko made a presentation to the Charleston Animal Society Scholars Camp. This camp is a great event for the area's youth (ages 9-11) and is among many that the Charleston Animal Society hosts throughout the year. More information on this camp can be found at https://www.charlestonanimalsociety.org/2017-cas-scholars/.

The Shilko’s presentation, which followed a Skype session with the Turtle Hospital staff at the South Carolina Aquarium, explained the purpose of the Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol and how each one of the kids at the camp can help turtles in the future. They also reviewed the life cycle of the loggerhead sea turtle in detail and spoke about other endangered sea turtle species indigenous to the Charleston area. The participants got to see several pictures and videos taken on the beaches of Seabrook Island depicting sea turtles and the Turtle Patrol in action.

The presentation ended with some sea turtle trivia questions for the kids. They all received special red filter stickers for their flashlights. They asked many great questions and became instant loggerhead experts! Their love of all animals was apparent and the Turtle Patrol sincerely thanks the kids and the staff at the Charleston Animal Society for hosting Joshua and Amanda.

Amanda & Joshua Shilko

Amanda & Joshua Shilko