Nest #9 was found by Veronica L'Allier & Bob Mason.There were 141 eggs in the nest and it hatched in 60 days.
Shells 132
Unhatched eggs 9
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 1
Total live 132
Hatch success 92.9%
Emergence success 92.2%
Nest #60 was found by Vicky & Bob Becker, Joe Ficarra & Jane Magioncalda. It was a wild nest.The nest had 133 eggs. Based on the condition of the unhatched eggs it appeared the nest had been washed over.
Shells 44
Unhatched eggs 89
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 44
Hatch success 32.8%
Emergence success 32.8%