North beach was popping this morning with nests 46,47 & 48. Nest 46 was near the first dog sign, 47 was near the second dog sign and 48 was way down near the Kiawah River. All were relocated to higher ground near the first dog sign.
#46 had 90 eggs, #47 had 94 eggs with one broken in the nest and #48 had 94 eggs. The walkers were Pam Salvestrini, Ruby Jenkins and Mary Van Deusen. Judy Morr found nests 46 and 48 and Bill Nelson & Linda Nelson found nest 47.
Jane Magioncalda, Bob and Vicky Becker and their guests found the crawl of nest #49 just north of the Club. Tim Morawski & Terry Fansler responded with Gayle Evans assisiting. Tim Morawski found the nest of 122 eggs. The nest was very narrow all the way down and 21 eggs were broken in the middle of the nest.
We're way ahead of last year's pace and only a few days behind the pace set in 2015, our record year!.