Nests 27 through 30 - Four in One Day!

We had a red letter day on the beach! We had 5 crawls and we found 4 nests and all are in situ.

Pat Greubel and Arline DeGennaro reported two crawls. The first between walks 2 and 3. and the second  closer to walk 2. Terry Fansler, Sandy MacCoss and Beautsie Zahrn responded. Sandy probed the first crawl but could not find a nest.  The second crawl was probed by Terry and Beautsie. Beautsie found the eggs and Terry dug down to the eggs. Nest #28 was left in situ  

The third call was from Jen and HarveyGibson with a crawl at the far southern end of the beach. They found the eggs for nest #27  and left the nest in situ. 

The fourth call was from Tracy Thorne and Cathrine Scully with a crawl nearly a 1/4 mile long near the last dog sign. Bill and Eileen Middleton responded and found nest #29  again in situ. They also sent along a photo of an outstanding sand turtle sculpture.

Karen Sewell then called in a crawl  100 yards from boardwalk 9.  Harvey and Jen Gibson found the eggs for nest # 30 and it is in situ too.

Four nests in one day!