Nests 56 &57 were inventoried on Monday, September 12th.
Nest 56 was found by Bob Mason & Pat Backstrom with Bill Greubel finding the 117 eggs. They hatched in49 days.
Shells 96
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total Live 96
Unhatched eggs 21
Hatch & Emergence Success 81.3%
There were 32 eggs unaccounted for due to predation by raccoons. We used the number of eggs in the relocated nest count in the report to DNR as they tell us to do.
Nest # 57 was found by Kathy Maher & Kathy Rigtrup with Sandy MacCoss finding the eggs. The 125 eggs hatched in 48 days.
Shells 100
Unhatched eggs 25
Dead hatchlings 2
Live hatchlings 7
Total live 98
Hatch Success 79.3%
Emergence Success 72.2%