Nest #44 was found by Anne Snelgrove, Melanie Jerome & Gayle Evans. It was in situ & hatched in 50 days.There were 111 eggs in the nest.
Shells 102
Unhatched eggs 9
Dead hatclings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 102.
Hatch & emergence success 91%
Nest #48 was found by Joshua and Amanda Shilko. It had 122 eggs in the nest and hatched in 47 days.
Shells 79
Unhatched eggs 43
Dead hatchlings 2
Live hatchlings 7
Total live 77
Hatch success 64.2%
Emergence success 56.9%
Nest # 49 was found by Veronica L'Allier, Bob Mason & Kathy Murray. It was in situ and hatched in 46 days. There were 85 eggs in the nest at inventory but many small shell pieces were outside the nest.
Shells 74
Unhatched eggs 11
Dead hatchlings 1
Live hatchlings 10
Total live 73
Hatch success 86%
Emergence success 73.2%