Nest #35 was found by Bob Mason, Veronica L'Allier & Kathy Murray. The nest had 53 eggs and hatched in 51 days.
Shells 36 Hatch & emergence success was 66.6%
Unhatched eggs 17
Dead hatchlings 0
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 36
Nest # 42 was found by Sandy MacCoss, Alison Bowers, Tori Kindley, Pat & Bob Derajtys. Bill Greubel was the prober. It hatched in 47 days with 131 eggs in the nest.
Shells 118 Hatch success 89.3%
Unhatched eggs 13 with 6 put back in the nest
Dead hatchlings 6 Emergence success 73.4%
Live hatchlings 15
Total live 112