Nest #31 was found by Jane Magioncaldo, Joe Ficarra & Amanda & Josh Shilko. There were 133 eggs in the nest and it hatched in 49 days.
Shells 93 Hatch Success 69.4
Unhatched eggs 40 Emergence Success 65.6%
Dead hatchlings 1
Live hatchlings 4
Total live 92
Nest #34 was found by Gary Holtz,Mike Vinson, Rob Jerome & Catherine Scully. There were 118 eggs in the nest and it hatched in 48 days.
Shells 91 Hatch success 76.4%
Unhatched eggs 27 Emergence success 52.1%
Dead hatchlings 29
Live hatchlings 0
Total live 62
Nest #38 was found by Lori Porwall, Linda Zegers, Ruby Jenkins, Pam Salvestrini & Francie Segal. The nest had 103 eggs and it hatched in 47 days.
Shells 92 Hatch success 88.4%
Unhatched eggs 11 Emergence success 86.5%
Dead hatchlings 1
Live hatchlings 1
Total live 91