1st Nest of 2016!!!

The Seabrook Island Turtle Patrol began walking the beach on Mothers Day, May 8th.  The action began quickly with a false crawl and the Leatherback stranding reported earlier. Then things ground to a halt with no activity from Monday through Friday. Even Saturday morning started slowly with zones 3 and 4 reporting no activity and zone 2 reporting a live horseshoe crab on the beach. Finally, Denisa Collins and Jen Gibson called in with a crawl on zone 1! Jen probed and found the eggs and we have nest # 1 at last. The nest was conveniently located at the vehicle entrance and didn’t need to be moved.  Terry Fansler, Sandy McCoss and Beautsie Zahrn brought the equipment to screen and mark the nest.

 A great day on the beach!